In addition to the President, the Council Bureau includes nine (9) members representing the three categories constituting the Council. They are elected by the General Assembly among its members for a two-and-a-half-year mandate renewable once. The internal regulations of the Council determine the electoral process.
Furthermore, the presidents of the standing committees are members of the Council’s Bureau.
- The Council’s Bureau assists the President in preparing and implementing the Council’s decisions.
- It examines the policy advice and opinion requests submitted to the Council and transmits them for examination to the competent committees, working groups, or the National Authority for Evaluation of the education, training, and scientific research system, each according to their competence.
- It examines the conclusions resulting from the work of the committees, special working groups, as well as the National Authority for Evaluation and follows up on what it deems appropriate.
- It assists the President in setting the agenda for the General Assembly sessions.
- It approves the annual action plan of the National Authority for Evaluation of the education, training, and scientific research system.
- It deliberates on matters related to evaluation reports issued by the Evaluation Authority and submits them to the General Assembly according to the internal regulations process of the Council.
- It determines the missions of the ad hoc committees and special working groups, their operating procedures, and the duration of their mission. It appoints its members among those of the Council.