14 November 2022
HM the King appointed Mr. Habib EL MALKI as President of the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research.
March 10, 2020
Appointment of Ms. Iman Kerkeb as Secretary-General at the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research.
August 2019
Framework law n° 51.17 pertaining to the Education, Training, and Scientific Research System.
July 2019
The end of the first mandate of the Council Members.
2016 -2019
59 publications (Policy advice, opinions, studies, evaluations of the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research)
July 28, 2016
April 15, 2016
The Council of the government’s adoption of the decree n° 2-16-170, under the leadership of the Head of Government, to establish the standing ministerial committee on Education and Training, which includes 18 ministers representing the concerned ministerial departments.
March 30, 2016
The technical committee submitted the framework law to the Head of Government.
February 6, 2016
The Minister of National Education and Vocational Training’s presentation before HM the King in Laayoune on the strategic orientations of the State policy on the strategic vision of reform 2015-2030.
January 29, 2016
The Head of Government formed an ad hoc technical committee to draft a preliminary version of the framework law for the education, training, and scientific research system.
January 6, 2016
Members of the government met in the presence of the Council’s President to present the strategic vision of reform of the education, training, and scientific research system 2015-2030. The Head of Government then confirmed the government’s full support for the reform.
November-December 2015
The organization of a series of regional meetings on “The Strategic Vision of Reform and Means of Implementation.”
2015 Throne Day Speech
HM the King called for initiating educational reform within a binding national contract by adopting a framework law.
May 20, 2015
Presentation of the strategic vision of reform to HM the King, which he handed over to the Head of Government.
May 16, 2015
Adoption of the final draft of the strategic vision of reform 2015-2030 during the 7th round of the Council.
May 10, 2015
Publication of the Council’s analytical report on “The Implementation of the National Charter of Education and Training 2000-2013”.
April 2015
Publication of the Council’s policy advice on a bill to amend and supplement Law n° 00-01 related to higher education.
October 10, 2014
HM the King calls the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research to reconsider the perspective and content of the education system reform.
July 16, 2014
HM King Mohammed VI chairs the installation ceremony of the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research members at the Casablanca Royal Palace.
July 16, 2014
HM the King appointed Mr. Omar AZZIMAN, President of the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research.
May 19, 2014
Publication of law n° 105.12 pertaining to the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research in the Official Bulletin.
May 13, 2014
The House of Representatives adopted law n° 105.12 pertaining to the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research.
From 14 to 30 October 2014
The organization of a series of regional consultations: “The Regional Consultation for the Rehabilitation of the Education, Training, and Scientific Research System.”
March 10, 2014
HM the King appointed Ms. Rahma BOURQIA, Director of the National Authority for Evaluation (INE) of the Higher Council for Education under the provisions of Article 14 of the Dahir reorganizing the Council.
September and October 2013
The organization of a series of hearings with stakeholders involved in education, training, and scientific research.
August 20, 2013
HM the King appointed Mr. Omar AZZIMAN, President-Delegate of the Higher Council for Education.